HM Digital DM-2A Inline Dual TDS Monitor, 2x3/8" Tee

HM Digital DM-2A Inline Dual TDS Monitor, 2x 3/8" Tee
HM Digital DM-2A Inline Dual TDS Monitor, 2x 3/8" Tee
Item# HM-DM2A_2x_3-8-Tee
List: $49.00
Sale: $48.96

HM Digital DM-2A Inline Dual TDS Monitor, 2x 3/8" Tee

HM Digital DM-2A Inline Dual TDS Monitor, Meter, 2x3/8" Tee

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Measure the tap water coming in vs. the purified water going out of your system at any time. Use the meter to determine when the filters need to be changed. Install the meter for your customers so they'll always know how their system is performing. - We accept credit cards via PayPal, no PayPal account is required